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来源:http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn/ 发布时间:2020-05-25 浏览量:0

The medical industry has strict requirements for sterilization and disinfection, and needs to meet certain standards. For the sterilization and disinfection methods of common equipment endoscope equipment and the cleaning steps of laparoscopic maintenance, what should be paid attention to, let's learn about it together.
Common disinfection methods of endoscope equipment
Low temperature or plasma sterilization is preferred for endoscope sterilization. If high-pressure sterilization is used, the mirror must be naturally cooled. It is forbidden to use cold water to cool it. Repair the laparoscope 26003ba, or the lens will crack. At present, it is not recommended to use amyl aldehyde for immersion sterilization. Because the liquid at the interface of the mirror after immersion is not easy to clean, fog like steam will occur during the application process, which will affect the mirror surface The clarity of the mirror, try not to often change the sterilization method of the mirror, so the sealing of the mirror has advantages.
Common disinfection methods include high temperature and high pressure method, gas fumigation method, disinfectant immersion method, fire method, low temperature disinfection method, etc. Because the high temperature and high pressure method has certain damage to a variety of organic materials such as plastic, plastic and insulating resin on the surface of the instrument, the fire method has damage to expensive laparoscopic instruments, repair laparoscopic Storz, and other disinfectants such as alcohol and Lysol are difficult to meet the requirements, so our hospital only selects formaldehyde gas fumigation method and amyl dialdehyde liquid immersion method.
甲醛对所有微生物都有杀灭作用,包含细菌、繁衍体、芽孢,真菌和病毒,除个别有要求的器械外,可对绝大多数腹腔镜手术的器械进行消毒,甲醛安全的消毒时刻为10~12小时,灭菌箱有必要是将腹腔镜器械分开摊放,轴节打开,能拆卸的部分完全拆开,调节消毒箱内的温度,使温度达54±2度,相对温度为70 ~90 ,灭菌按500mg/L核算甲醛用量,加热使其发生甲醛气体,密闭消毒箱,作用6小时以上,消毒结束打开排气阀,去除甲醛气味。
Formaldehyde has a killing effect on all microorganisms, including bacteria, reproduction, spores, fungi and viruses. Except for some required instruments, most laparoscopic instruments can be sterilized. The safe disinfection time of formaldehyde is 10-12 hours. It is necessary for the sterilization box to separate the laparoscopic instruments, open the coupling, completely disassemble the detachable parts, and adjust the disinfection The temperature in the box shall be 54 ± 2 degrees, and the relative temperature shall be 70-90. The formaldehyde consumption shall be calculated according to 500mg / L for sterilization, and the formaldehyde gas shall be generated by heating. The sealed disinfection box shall function for more than 6 hours. After disinfection, the exhaust valve shall be opened to remove the formaldehyde odor.
Glutaraldehyde liquid immersion method can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. which have little corrosiveness to metals and little influence by organic matters. The method of application is to immerse the laparoscopic instruments cleaned and dried in the immersion box with 2% glutaraldehyde and cover them. The soaking time is 30-60 minutes. Because the amyl aldehyde is irritant to the skin and mucous membrane, the surface and lumen should be completely washed with sterile water and dried before use.
  • 公司公司:匠仁医疗设备有限公司
  • 匠仁医疗山东济南维修部
  • 联系人:樊经理
  • 电话:13153199508
  • 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室
  • 匠仁医疗湖南长沙维修部
  • 联系人:李经理
  • 电话:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室

樊经理:13153199508     李经理:13873135765

公司地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室  湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室


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