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来源:http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn/ 发布时间:2023-12-25 浏览量:0


In addition, during the use of endoscopes, including some environmental humidity and temperature, it is necessary to meet the requirements of certain equipment in a timely manner. Otherwise, it is easy to cause certain damage to the equipment of industrial endoscopes. For example, at some low temperatures, it is possible to cause some flexible probes to become hard and brittle. However, if the temperature is too high, It is very likely to affect the heat dissipation of the device, so too bright light can also reduce the resolution of the human eye, including the contrast of some inspection images.



Therefore, when using an endoscope, direct sunlight is not allowed in a strong light. It is recommended to choose a quiet indoor environment with softer lighting. Endoscopes use high-definition color images, which can directly observe defects and related damage areas. They can also be magnified and analyzed using unique professional software, so they can continuously meet the needs of detection work during this process.


Compared with some manual examinations, endoscopes do solve many technical difficulties that cannot be detected by manual labor. For example, some industrial environments are relatively complex, and the pipelines are particularly narrow. Even in this toxic environment, endoscopes can effectively replace manual labor to complete these tasks and effectively and timely grasp some internal environments, If there are certain defects or cracks in the welding quality, monitoring can also be carried out through this method. If an endoscope is used, the problem can be detected in a timely manner and a timely solution to production can be obtained


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