Endoscopic stone removal is a common method for treating urinary system stones. Although it has the advantages of minimal trauma and fast recovery, it also has some drawbacks. The following is a detailed analysis of the drawbacks of endoscopic stone removal:
1、 Residual stone fragments
Reason: Stones may be trapped or have many small fragments tightly adhering to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, which can lead to incomplete stone removal.
Impact: Residual stone fragments may lead to stone recurrence, requiring further surgery or other treatment measures.
2、 Pain
Reason: Endoscopic stone removal requires dilation of the ureter, which may cause mucosal tearing and pain.
Relief methods: Although pain cannot be completely avoided, it can be alleviated through medication analgesia, improved surgical techniques, and other means.
3、 Urinary tract infection
Reason: Endoscopic stone removal is a minimally invasive method for treating stones. During the surgery, the endoscope needs to enter the body through the urethra, which is a retrograde stone removal operation that can cause damage to the urethral mucosa and increase the risk of infection.
Preventive measures: Conduct a thorough evaluation before surgery to ensure that the patient does not have urinary tract infections; Use antibiotics to prevent infection during surgery; Close observation of the patient's urination after surgery, timely detection and treatment of infection symptoms.
4、 Other complications
Urethral stricture: During the surgical process, it may cause damage to the urethra, leading to urethral stricture and affecting urination function.
Ureteral stricture: Postoperative scar contraction may cause narrowing of the ureteral lumen, affecting urine excretion.
Ureteral perforation: Endoscopy may accidentally injure the ureteral wall during operation, leading to urine leakage into the abdominal cavity.
5、 High requirements for equipment and technology
Equipment requirements: Endoscopic stone extraction requires the use of advanced medical equipment, such as high-definition endoscopes, lithotripsy instruments, etc.
Technical requirements: Surgical operations require experienced doctors to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the surgery.
In summary, although endoscopic stone removal has the advantages of minimal trauma and fast recovery, it also has some drawbacks and risks. When choosing a treatment method, comprehensive consideration should be given to the patient's specific condition and the doctor's advice. Meanwhile, postoperative patients should be closely monitored for any changes in their condition, and any potential complications should be promptly identified and addressed.
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