Endoscope is a medical device used to examine and diagnose organs and tissues inside the human body. The following is a detailed explanation of the classification and standards of endoscopic equipment:
1、 Classification of Endoscopic Equipment
Endoscopes can be classified according to different standards, mainly including the following:
Classified by imaging structure:
Hard tube endoscope: with a fixed hard tube structure, usually used for specific examination sites.
Optical fiber endoscope: divided into soft and hard mirrors, using optical fibers to transmit images, has higher flexibility and applicability.
Electronic endoscope: also divided into soft endoscope and hard endoscope, it captures images through electronic components and transmits them to the display screen, with higher image quality and resolution.
Classified by function:
Gastrointestinal endoscopy: such as rigid tube esophagoscopy, fiber gastroscopy, electronic gastroscopy, etc., used to examine digestive organs such as esophagus, stomach, duodenum, etc.
Respiratory endoscopes, such as rigid tube laryngoscopes, fiberoptic bronchoscopes, electronic bronchoscopes, etc., are used to examine the respiratory tract and lungs.
Peritoneal endoscopy: such as laparoscopy, used for examination and surgery within the abdominal cavity.
Biliary endoscopy: such as rigid tube cholangioscopy, fiber cholangioscopy, etc., used for the examination and treatment of the biliary system.
Uroscopy: such as cystoscopy, ureteroscope, etc., used for examination and surgery of the urinary system.
Gynecological endoscopy: such as hysteroscopy, used for the examination and surgery of gynecological diseases.
Classified by other criteria:
It can also be classified based on physical characteristics such as diameter, length, and bending angle of the endoscope.
According to different usage scenarios and purposes, endoscopes can also be divided into diagnostic endoscopes and therapeutic endoscopes.
2、 Standards for Endoscopic Equipment
The standards for endoscopic equipment typically involve multiple aspects, including design, manufacturing, performance testing, and safety requirements. Here are some main standards:
International standards:
Relevant standards developed by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). These standards cover various aspects of endoscopes, including optical performance, physical performance, electrical safety, biocompatibility, and more.
Regional standards:
Such as European EN standards, American ANSI standards, etc. These standards are formulated based on specific requirements and regulations in each region, and set specific requirements for the performance and safety of endoscopes.
National regulations and norms:
各个国家可能还有自己的医疗器械管理法规和规范。例如,中国制定的YY 0068.1—2008等标准对光学性能(成像质量、分辨率、色彩还原度、光透过率等)有详细规范,YY/T 0068.2—2008对物理性能(耐用性、机械强度、稳定性等)也有严格要求。
Each country may have its own regulations and standards for the management of medical devices. For example, Chinese standards such as YY 0068.1-2008 have detailed specifications for optical performance (imaging quality, resolution, color reproduction, light transmittance, etc.), while YY/T 0068.2-2008 also has strict requirements for physical performance (durability, mechanical strength, stability, etc.).
Industry standards:
Some industry organizations or associations also establish their own standards, such as the Medical Device Industry Association or the Endoscope Manufacturers Association. These standards may provide more specific requirements for the performance, reliability, durability, and other aspects of endoscopes.
Performance evaluation method:
The performance evaluation methods of endoscopes usually include optical performance testing, mechanical performance testing, safety performance testing, as well as animal experiments and clinical evaluations. These evaluation methods aim to ensure that endoscopes can meet the requirements of safety and effectiveness in practical applications.
In summary, the classification and standards of endoscopic equipment involve multiple aspects, including imaging structure, function, physical characteristics, as well as design, manufacturing, performance testing, and safety requirements. When selecting and using endoscopic equipment, corresponding standards and specifications should be followed to ensure the safe and effective use of the product.
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