随着现代医学技术的发展,微创外科手术在临床上已广泛开展,作为内窥镜之一的腹腔镜手术已成为微创外科手术的重要组成部分。清晰的手术视野是腹腔镜手术安 全性的关键,因此内镜镜片的防雾治疗至关重要。在内窥镜手术中,由于体腔温度与外界温度之间存在较大差异,一些水蒸气在遇到冷内窥镜后很容易凝结并形成一层薄雾,从而影响了手术部位的清晰度。显示并影响操作操作。多年来,传统的镜片预热方法已在临床实践中用于防雾治疗。但是,在实践中,经常会发生盐水喷洒,烫伤和晶状体倾覆的情况,增加了术中污染和晶状体损坏的机会。
With the development of modern medical technology, minimally invasive surgery has been widely carried out in clinic. As one of the endoscopes, laparoscopic surgery has become an important part of minimally invasive surgery. Clear surgical field is the key to the safety of laparoscopic surgery, so the antifogging treatment of endoscopic lens is very important. In endoscopic surgery, due to the great difference between the body cavity temperature and the external temperature, some water vapor is easy to condense and form a layer of mist after encountering the cold endoscope, which affects the clarity of the surgical site. Display and influence operation. For many years, the traditional lens preheating method has been used in clinical practice for antifogging treatment. However, in practice, salt water spraying, scalding and lens capsizing often occur, which increase the chance of intraoperative contamination and lens damage.
The lens is always blurry. Repeatedly wiping the lens will waste a lot of time, and will also bring insecurity. This requires that the glasses assistant should be good at dealing with lens fogging and pollution quickly, and keep the vision clear for as long as possible.
How to deal with fog and pollution of endoscope lens? Expert answers:
(1) Buy the cavity mirror equipment with lens self heating, but most brands do not have this function;
(2) The lens is coated with antifogging agent, which is expensive and costly;

(3) Iodophor gauze wipe, low cost, easy to yellow vision;
(4)将镜头回缩至 Trocar内,利用镜头 Trocar 内注入的相对低温的 CO2 气流使视野变清晰,但易反复;
(4) The lens is retracted into the trocar, and the relatively low temperature CO2 gas injected into the trocar makes the field of vision clear, but it is easy to repeat;
(5)消毒保温杯装热水浸泡镜头,水温保持在60 ~ 70℃,
(5) The lens was soaked in hot water in sterilized heat preservation cup, and the water temperature was kept at 60-70 ℃,
一次浸泡镜头时间要稍长,约 1 分钟,好让镜头充分预热,高于腹腔内温度。此后,每次镜头模糊后浸泡时间仅需几秒即可。此法过程较为繁琐。
Soak the lens a little longer, about 1 minute, so that the lens fully preheat, higher than the temperature in the abdominal cavity. After that, the soaking time only takes a few seconds after each blur. This method is complicated.
另外每次置入镜头前需将的密封垫内的组织或血液清理干净,可以通过旋转镜身来避开 Trocar下端的血液;进出动作要迅速,避免镜身在体外太久而降温。
In addition, the tissue or blood in the sealing pad should be cleaned before each lens placement, and the blood at the lower end of trocar can be avoided by rotating the lens body; Move in and out quickly to prevent the mirror body from cooling down for too long.
When the endoscopic lens is polluted by acute massive hemorrhage, the lens must not be pulled out to wipe, which may miss a good opportunity for treatment. At this time, the lens can be wiped quickly and gently with the help of the serosa surface of the organs (mostly the surface of the gastric and intestinal serosa that is not polluted). Do not choose the surface of mesangium or omentum, which may make the endoscope lens stained with grease and more blurred; Do not choose the liver or spleen such as solid organs, to prevent injury. When the bleeding is solved, the hand should wipe the lens again.
In order to make the operation process smooth, the endoscope hand should wipe the endoscope lens as little as possible. This requires the glasses assistant to always protect the lenses. For example, when the energy platform cauterizes the blade, the endoscope lens should be retracted appropriately to avoid telemetry, so as to prevent tissue fluid or blood splashing on the lens, and return to the original visual range after cauterization. The task of the endoscopic hand is to provide a clear and stable image for the surgeon. And with the change of the operation process, it provides an appropriate field of vision of the far and near range and angle. In other words, the hand with glasses acts as the surgeon's "two eyes.". This requires that the laparoscopic hand must be familiar with the operation procedure and the operator's operation habits, and must keep enough tacit understanding with the operator.