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来源:http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn/ 发布时间:2022-04-30 浏览量:0

  Endoscope as a reusable medical instrument, its surface or pore position will be contaminated during use, so it is essential to check and clean the endoscope equipment before and after application. So how do you do that?
  In order to ensure that diagnosis and treatment can be carried out smoothly, it is necessary to carry out timely and serious examination before diagnosis and treatment. Water, air and suction needs to be kept open, the size of the knob needs to be kept free, and the brightness of the light needs to be adjusted to the right state. In order to keep the image clear, ethanol gauze was applied to wipe the mirror along the direction of the nozzle.
  After disinfection and drying, air and water supply buttons and suction buttons need to be smeared with silicone oil and then pressed on the endoscope. The medical silicone oil is smeared on the forceps joint of biopsy, so as to ensure that the application of the button can be more flexible and avoid the normal pop-up of the button.
  After application, it is necessary to clean the side of the bed, wipe the bending part and the insertion part with enzyme gauze, and repeatedly attract, air and water to reduce the collision between the tip and hard objects. When packaging, the fine parts need to apply protective covers, and the mirror needs to be packaged separately with mirror boxes to reduce collision and rolling.
  In addition, endoscopic equipment maintenance personnel remind you that the conventional disinfection method is to use glutaraldehyde immersion disinfection, but this disinfection method is highly corrosive to endoscopes, and the price is relatively expensive, in a long time of disinfection, easy to shorten the service life of endoscopes.
  With the development of the endoscopic disinfection methods of formaldehyde, sterilization effect is good, endoscopic qualified rate increased significantly, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of secondary pollution, endoscopic can well control and prevent iatrogenic infection, caused by endoscopy to reduce disinfection expenses, improve work efficiency, and is beneficial to reduce medical disputes, worthy of clinical applications and promotion.
  This is the content of the examination and cleaning of endoscope equipment before and after application. If you have any questions about this equipment, you can contact us through the website www.jiangrenyiliao.cn.
  • 公司公司:匠仁医疗设备有限公司
  • 匠仁医疗山东济南维修部
  • 联系人:樊经理
  • 电话:13153199508
  • 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室
  • 匠仁医疗湖南长沙维修部
  • 联系人:李经理
  • 电话:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室

樊经理:13153199508     李经理:13873135765

公司地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室  湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室


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