In terms of application, it can be simply divided into two categories: industrial endoscopes and medical endoscopes.
关于工业内窥镜的种类,从成像形式分为:光学内窥镜、光纤内窥镜、电子内窥镜、CCD视频内窥镜、CMOS视频内窥镜、电动360°内窥镜 。从内窥镜光源种类分为高频荧光灯内窥镜、光纤卤素灯内窥镜、LED内窥镜
Regarding the types of industrial endoscopes, they can be divided into optical endoscopes, fiber optic endoscopes, electronic endoscopes, CCD video endoscopes, CMOS video endoscopes, and electric 360 ° endoscopes based on their imaging forms. According to the types of endoscopic light sources, they can be divided into high-frequency fluorescent endoscope, fiber halogen endoscope, and LED endoscope
Regarding the classification of medical endoscopes, according to their development and imaging structure, they can be broadly divided into three categories: rigid tube endoscopes, optical fiber (flexible tube) endoscopes, and electronic endoscopes.
There are many different types of endoscopes used in medical examinations, and their classification methods are different. Generally speaking, the following three classification methods are more commonly used. In terms of market sales, there are currently two types of lenses that are commonly used: rigid lenses and flexible lenses, based on whether they can change direction in clinical practice.
According to the functions of endoscopes, they are divided into single function endoscopes and multifunctional endoscopes. Single function mirror refers to an observation mirror with no working channel and only an optical system; A multifunctional mirror refers to a device that not only has the function of an observation mirror, but also has at least one working channel in the same mirror body, and has multiple functions such as lighting, surgery, flushing, and suction.
Classify according to the different locations reached by endoscopes: ear, nose, and throat endoscopes, oral endoscopes, dental endoscopes, neuroscopes, urethral cystoscopy, electrocautery, laparoscopy, arthroscopy, sinusoscopy, laryngoscopy, etc.
临床上根据内窥镜镜身能否改变方向进行分类:分为硬质镜和弹性软镜两种。硬质镜(RIGID ENDOSCOPE)为棱镜光学系统,大优点是成像清晰,可配多个工作通道,选取多个视角。弹性软镜(FLEXIBLE ENDOSCOPE)为光导纤维光学系统,此光纤内窥镜大特点是镜头部分可被术者操纵改变方向,扩大应用的范围,但成像效果不如硬质镜效果好。
In clinical practice, endoscopes are classified based on whether they can change direction: they are divided into two types: rigid endoscopes and flexible endoscopes. RIGID ENDOSCOPE is a prism optical system with the major advantage of clear imaging, multiple working channels, and the ability to select multiple perspectives. FLEXIBILE ENDOSCOPE is an optical fiber system. The main feature of this fiber optic endoscope is that the lens can be manipulated by the surgeon to change direction and expand the application range, but the imaging effect is not as good as that of a hard lens.
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