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来源:http://www.jiangrenyiliao.cn/ 发布时间:2020-12-04 浏览量:0

Laparoscopic equipment maintenance and maintenance of the twelve skills!
(1) The instruments should be handled with care, without friction, collision and holding various instruments in one hand at the same time. The shaft should be flexible and the tip should be well closed, sharp and sharp.
(2) Pay attention to the mirror protection.
(3) When the conductor is stored after cleaning, it shall not be disassembled and overlapped, and the winding bending degree shall be greater than 90 degrees, so as to prevent the damage of optical fiber, affect the service effect and shorten the service life.
(4) All kinds of forceps should be checked frequently, the joint should be moved, the clamp end should be closed, and the joint should be coated with special lubricant.
(5) Sharp instruments should be protected by rubber.
(6) If the sealing rings on the punch card, converter and rotary cutter are aged or cracked, they should be replaced in time to avoid air leakage during operation and affect the effect of pneumoperitoneum.
(7) The valve on the flushing device should be removed regularly for cleaning and oiling to maintain the flexibility of the valve.
(8) During the use, cleaning and maintenance of all instruments, the joints should not be forced, the tips should not touch hard objects, and the small parts of the instruments should not be lost.
(9) Before the light source and camera are separated, make sure that the host power is off before pulling out.
(10) Do not restart the endoscope system within 15 minutes after shutdown.
(11) Low temperature or plasma sterilization is preferred for endoscope sterilization. If high-pressure sterilization is used, the mirror must be naturally cooled, and cold water is not allowed to cool, otherwise the lens will be broken. At present, glutaraldehyde immersion sterilization is not recommended because the liquid at the interface of the mirror surface is not easy to be wiped clean after immersion, and foggy steam will be generated during the use, which will affect the clarity of the mirror, Try not to change the sterilization method of the mirror frequently, which is good for the sealing of the mirror.
(12) The mirror and surgical instruments should be cleaned separately. The mirror surface should be wiped with wet absorbent cotton ball along one direction, and then dried with wiping paper. The mirror body can be wiped with a wet soft cloth. It is forbidden to clean the mirror with ultrasonic wave, and try not to clean the mirror with normal saline, otherwise rust will easily occur.
  • 公司公司:匠仁医疗设备有限公司
  • 匠仁医疗山东济南维修部
  • 联系人:樊经理
  • 电话:13153199508
  • 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室
  • 匠仁医疗湖南长沙维修部
  • 联系人:李经理
  • 电话:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室

樊经理:13153199508     李经理:13873135765

公司地址:山东省济南市槐荫区美里东路3000号德迈国际信息产业园6号楼101-2室  湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路820号恒大绿洲14栋2409室


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